Can you use CITB funding for your spraying course?
Sign up to find out if you're eligible for CITB funding
How to check if you're eligible for CITB funding
What funding are you eligible for?
What can you use the funding on
When you register to CITB, you are entering the CITB's levy. If your total annual wage bill (what you pay out in salaries) is under £120k then you don't have to pay into the levy but you can access all the CITB funding benefits. If your wage bill is above this, you'll have to pay 0.35% for employees and 1.25% for subcontractors. Small businesses get a 50% discount.
To access the funding you need a CITB registration number. You can register with CITB online and once approved, you'll get a CITB reg number sent to you.
Contact us to let us know you've registered and what courses you'd like to do. We can chase up you registration number and once you're approved we can apply for the funding for you.
We will draft an application for you for you to approve and we will put you in touch with your local CITB advisor so they can advise you on anything other training courses you might like to do.
Once your application has been submitted, you'll hear back if you've been approved or nor usually by 15th of the following month. I.e. if you apply in May, you'd hear back by 15th June.
We can get your courses booked in.
You'll get full aftercare support from us. We will close down your application and if you want to, you can reapply when there are other courses you'd like to do.