
Abode Academy Spraying Courses

Why you should learn to spray UPVC this year

If you don’t, you’re missing out on a big opportunity!

Competition is growing, with more and more people learning to spray UPVC

The longer you leave it, the more time you give your competitors to become established in the market. And with the initial cost to get set up for UPVC spraying being so low, but the amount of money you can earn being so high – will you regret not getting into it sooner? 

Copy of Copy of Copy of Black And White Modern Vintage Retro Brand Logo

The initial investment

A standard equipment package for spraying UPVC is usually relatively low in cost. For example, our UPVC Ultimate package is just £1,200 + VAT. Once you’ve got this, you can plug and go. Aside from this kit, all you’ll need is your sundries (red scotch and lint free towels for prepping the surface and then your paint, thinners and hardeners). 

UPVC spraying courses citb funding

The amount you can earn and speed

The only alternative for a customer to spraying their UPVC is to replace – which is very costly. Therefore, you can quote relatively high for the amount of time it’s going to take you. For example, we recommend charging around £400 for spraying a UPVC front door which you could easily do in a morning. Go on to another spray job in the afternoon, or go home and call it a day! 

Paint spraying course

The ease of getting started

The barrier to entry is low. Book a one day UPVC spraying course and you could get going straight away. The prep on UPVC is straight forward, as is the spraying. And if you book your UPVC spraying course with us, you can call us when you’re on your next job should you need assistance.

Behind the scenes of our UPVC spraying course with Paint Warrior

Check out when Paint Warrior joined us for the UPVC spraying course at our Academy 

What paint should you use?

It’s personal preference, try a few brands out and see what you prefer. For spraying exterior UPVC, you’ll want to use a 2k (two-part) product as this is going to be more durable and longer lasting in all weather conditions. We like to use Selemix Direct for our UPVC spraying. 

Selemix Direct

Selemix 7-530

This is a primer and topcoat in one. You’ll need to add a hardener and thinner to this product and mix before spraying. 

Selemix 9-070

This is the hardener you’ll need to add to the primer/topcoat. It comes in either a 1L or 5L tin. 

Selemix 1-490

These are the accelerated thinners that come in a 5L. You’ll need to add these with your hardener, to your primer/topcoat. In hotter weathers you may opt for 1-480 standard thinners instead of accelerated. 

Make sure you check out the Technical Data Safety Sheets for each of the above products before using as they contain harmful chemicals which you should not be using unless you’ve been trained in how to use them safely. Always wear protective gloves and appropriate PPE. 

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